How to design your office
by Elmira Esfahani –

Now that most of us are staying at home and working from home, It’s essential to review some notes on how to design the office in a way to boost your mood, motivation, and efficiency.
In this series, you can find notes and inspiration on how to enhance the design of your home office.
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Design your Office Design your Office Design your Office Design your office
Location of your office- Pick the right location design your office
Find a way to separate yourself from the rest of the goings-on in the home and to convey a sense of “off-limits” to all other normal and natural home sounds and interruptions.
It doesn’t need to be large or expansive, but it should be separate from other areas. You might be able to convert the guest room you only use a few times a year or another underutilized area into your office. Evaluate how the space you find can be dedicated for your use and can be “Your Space.”
Spending many hours in your home office, so don’t just pick any space. Consider traffic flow and your ability to resist distractions.
When planning your office area, ensure that it provides a degree of privacy from surrounding activities. While headphones may serve to isolate certain sounds, no one wants to be forced to wear headphones all the time.
If a door to the office area is not practical or available, it’s important to dedicate an area which is away from other family members. Also, create a different layout. In this way, you will define imaginary boundaries.
Keep all of your work in the office space because it’s important that you be able to find things, retrieve things and be efficient within this space. Also, keep the non-office space in your home free of work items. This develops a healthy work-life balance and allows you to relax at home when you are not at work.
No view, Position your desk to face the door instead or place a pleasing piece of artwork or an inspirational pin-board above your desk. Either, will give your eyes a rest and something to focus on when you look up from your work.
Light of your office- design the lighting of your office
Have as much natural light as possible in the working area.If no daylight is available, a combination of general and task lighting will be required. A high-quality task light will be essential for late nights or cloudy days.
The most effective lighting brings out the fullest quality of the colours illuminated. In case that the lighting levels are too low, there can be negative psychological effects, including depression. For human comfort, a yellow-cast illumination is best. This is the colour of brightness, and midway through the colour progression from cool to warm.
To avoid glare, don’t place overhead lighting directly above computer screens, and don’t put a computer screen directly in front of a light source. That will cause eyestrain.
Add Colour and designing your office
Colours around us all have an effect on our moods and brain function. This evokes both a physical and emotional response. So choosing the right colours for your workspace has the ability to affect your productivity. For instance, blue has been said to illicit productivity. Mind you, too much of anything can be overwhelming, even colour.
Company office: Bring in items from home that are a certain colour that inspire you and keep you focused. Use postcards, magazine cutouts, even just blocks of colour will do add Postcards, Blocks of colour, Fresh Flowers.
Home office: Consider repainting a wall, adding colour to the table you work at, or hanging pictures that are dominated by a specific colour.
Greens are essential when designing your office
Keep the shades open and let in the fresh air. If you can’t see anything natural out of your window, keep pictures of the natural world as your screensaver and/or desktop wallpaper. Take walks. Or, just step outside and put your feet on the ground.
Put plants in your office – research shows that having live plants in your office makes you more productive, happier and less stressed.
Your office Scents:
Our sense of smell can powerfully affect our mood, mindset and thus our productivity. Consider adding scents to your workspace to jar your mind into focus when you start to notice yourself drifting off.
Try using these scents to stay focused:
Pine – Increases alertness
Cinnamon – Improves focus
Lavender – helps to relax you during a stressful workday
Peppermint – Lifts your mood
Citrus (any) – Wakes you up and lifts your sprite
How would you sum up the concept of home office design?
To recap the notes and tips on design your office.
Make space your own.
Ensure that space reflects your personality and that you enjoy being there.
Add a favorite object or photo that will give you a break you need when you pause in your work.
Your office should be a connection to yourself, your spirit and your productivity.
It should afford focus rather than distraction and be a place you want to be and want to spend time in. That will positively influence you in the space and enhance the work you do there.
These small touches can help you make space your own.